The Tadpole Nebula is an emission nebula, about 100 light years wide and is located right next to IC 405 – the Flaming Star Nebula in the constellation Auriga. At a distance of about 12,000 light years, IC 410 is much further away and is therefore much dimmer. The nebula contains many young, hot stars whose UV radiation causes the surrounding gas and dust to glow. Particularly characteristic are the „tadpoles“ – gaseous structures that look like the silhouettes of tadpoles, which were formed by strong stellar winds and radiation. The nebula is an active star formation region and a fascinating example of the formation of new stars.


My first picture with athe ASI 2600 MC Pro OSC-camera.
In the wide field OSC-data (3.6h) taken with the TS-Optics 76EDPH H-alpha data was added as luminance.
For the Flaming Star 9h H-alpha taken with a RASA 11 V2 and for the Tadpoles 10h H-alpha taken with a Celestron 8“ EHD.
I think the picture would have benefit from more OSC data…..


Integration: 22h 39‘

H-α (RASA 11‘‘): 110x300s (9h 10‘) – 28.12.2024
H-α (C8EHD‘‘): 198x180s (9h 54‘) – 28.12.2024
OSC: 24x300s (3h 35‘) – 01.02.2025

FOV: ~2.5°‘ x 2°
Pixel scale: 2.26″/pixel
Dithering: 2 pixels every 5 images
Gain: 100
Sensor temperature: -10°C
Recording camera: ZWO ASI 2600 MC PRO / ZWO ASI 2600 MM DUO
Filter: Optolong L-eXtreme / Baader CMOS
Optics: TS-Optics 76EDPH / RASA 11’’V2 / Celestron C8EHD + Celestron Reducer 0.7x
Guiding: ZWO ASI 120 MM / ZWO ASI 220 MM
Mount: Celestron AVX / iOptron CEM70 / / iOptron CEM120
Control: ZWO ASIAIR Plus Image processing: PixInsight + Photoshop
Darks: 30
Flats:  20
Flat-Darks: 20

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